Author: Matt Milligan
Racing Against Time
Matt forgot to bring an extra SD card and the boys only have a limited amount of recording time left. They race to shove as much content as they can […]
Breaking, Tom Cruise, & Comebacks
Matt and Ant put the media on trial by analyzing breaking in live shows, finding out why everyone loves Tom Cruise, and outtakes and comebacks. Plus more Lorne Michaels of […]
Flushing, Ant the Principal, & Your 15-Year Old Self
Ant and Matt go deep this week discussing toilets that will not stop flushing, things Ant would teach in his very own school, and what messages you would give to […]
Phone Updates, Best of the Year, & Products by Ant
Ant and Matt are back for an exciting new season! Full of wonder and excitement, well, its really just, more conversations in Matt’s car… but it still good stuff! […]
Jurassic Park, Patches on Your Jacket, & Postscripts
Matt and Ant are back! Covering some fun facts about Jurassic Park, writing more emo songs, and setting the record for the longest post-lessons learned in the history of the […]
Norm MacDonald, Food Feuds, & The Met Gala
Well, this episode doesn’t start out great. We lost one of the funniest people on the planet this last week and the boys deep dive into their favorite bits of […]
JC Penny, Comic Book Stores, & Ant’s Castle
While Matt and Ant are on vacation, we reach back into the archives to find an unreleased gem that Matt threw together at the last minute to keep up with […]
Tennessee, Weddings, & Free Guy
The boys are back from their much anticipated trip to Tennessee and with two weeks away from delivering content, there is a lot to talk about. Matt and Ant discuss […]
The Fast 9 Special
Yes. Usually there are three topics that we point out in these descriptions but, well, Matt and Ant just got out of Fast 9 the ninth Fast and Furious movie […]
Bingeworthy, the Great Outdoors, & Lorne Michaels
Fresh off the recording of their brand new podcast Bingeworthy, Matt and Ant opt to do something decidedly NOT Drive to Ants, record outside in Ant’s backyard instead of in […]
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